Admission procedure

Senior Care Home - admission procedure

Everyone who is interested in living or residing in the PARAISO Senior Care Home in Brenna is requested to read the new Resident admission procedure and the documents attached below. Additional information can be provided via phone or e-mail.




Senior Care Home - admission procedure

Documents and personal belongings required for admission to the PARAISO Senior Care Home in Brenna

The procedure for admitting a resident to the Paraiso Senior HomeI.   Documents:

1. Resident’s complete medical documentation
2. Disability degree certificate
3. ID card or other document confirming Resident’s identity.





Paraiso Senior Care Home - reception


blockquote No one can possess a sunset like the one we saw that evening, he went on. Just as no one can possess an afternoon of rain falling on the window, or the serenity of a sleeping child, or the magical moment when waves crash against the rocks. No one can possess the beautiful things of this Earth, but we can know them and love them.blockquote

                                              /Paulo Coelho/

Our mission

Comfortable resort The essence of our activity – the mission assumed by the creators of the Senior Care Home in Brenna – is to provide care and accommodation services on the round-the-clock basis – in linewith the needs ofResidents who,in particular due to their age and health condition,cannotliveindependently and family or the close onesare unable to provide them with all the necessary support.