

Nursing Home PARAISO in Brenna


mapka paraiso polska

www      Wiejska st. 5
            43-438 Brenna


telefon     +48 739 082 099
stacjonarny     +48 33 484 77 50
fax     +48 33 484 77 50
mail - dom seniora     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
mail - dom opieki     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


mapa slask cieszynski

mapa dojazdu



blockquote No one can possess a sunset like the one we saw that evening, he went on. Just as no one can possess an afternoon of rain falling on the window, or the serenity of a sleeping child, or the magical moment when waves crash against the rocks. No one can possess the beautiful things of this Earth, but we can know them and love them.blockquote

                                              /Paulo Coelho/

Our mission

Comfortable resort The essence of our activity – the mission assumed by the creators of the Senior Care Home in Brenna – is to provide care and accommodation services on the round-the-clock basis – in linewith the needs ofResidents who,in particular due to their age and health condition,cannotliveindependently and family or the close onesare unable to provide them with all the necessary support.